Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wii sports bowling vs Mario party 8 bowling

Before I start this battle review, yes there is a bowling game in mario party 8. Now let's start the battle like we always do it.

Graphics: Wii Sports look like a better version of N64 graphics, but not much better. Mario Party 8's bowling graphics are better by a lot. MP8 gets a point.

Gameplay: Wii sports bowling gives you an aiming sight MP8 doesn't. WSB also lets you throw the ball in the air. MP8 forces you to roll the ball. And the great controls of WSB are gone in MP8. WSB gets 3 points.

Wii sports bowling won by 2 points.

Wes AKA man of the wii,

1 comment:

Lila Buckingtem said...

Sounds like wii sports are better.

Please do a poll!