Friday, December 5, 2008

Memories of N64 games when I was young

Well if you want to know what memories I had with some games well you came to the right place.

Mario Kart 64: Me, My dad, and my brother used to play it again and again. plus we even raced in three player mode in all the race tracks. We even did it while we had Mario kart Wii but we stopped doing that for private reasons.

Wave Race 64: My sister Kim was very into it and once we beaten the game we didn't erace the game's data.

Donkey Kong 64: I remembered that the part we had the most trouble on was racing the rabbit and fighting King K Rool.

Banjo Kazooie: I finnished it first, but the thing I found the hardest was Rusty Bucket Bay's polluted water. It make Banjo's air go down faster than usual.

Banjo Tooie: I was the first to finnish it. I was always begging Dad to buy this game ever since I finnished Banjo Kazooie.

Tonic Trouble: Well I found fighting the magic mushroom and Grough very hard. I'll make a review about this soon

Comelion twist: the Camera was a big problem when I was young and the puzzles. I’ll make a review about this soon.

Yoshi's story: Well it took me a while to unlock all the stages and I used to use the black Yoshi right when I unlock him. I’ll make a review about this soon

Rayman 2: the Final Boss Battle was difficult that I needed Dad to do it for me just to see the ending I’ll make a review about this soon

Lego Racer 64: Well I always liked to make My Character and veicle based after my favorite things. plus I found it hard to beat the last racer until I beat him. I’ll make a review about this soon

Dr. Mario 64: Well this game was not a game we bought to keep we rented this game. Plus when me and My Sibs played for the first time we didn't know what to do We thought my sibs knew what to do except me because I said We should look in the manual. My Parents were going to rent Mario Party for the N46 but the game was not there. I’ll make a review about this soon

That's my memories for the N64 games.

Wes AKA Man of Videogames,

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