Monday, November 24, 2008

Review of Banjo Kazooie

Banjo kazooie is a game about a bear and bird saving the day.

Story: Grunty the witch Banjo's Enemy was talking to Ding Pot her Couldrum. She asked him who is the prettiest in the land. He said Banjo's sister Tootie is the prettiest, But Grunty got mad and Kidnapped Tootie to make Grunty Pretty and Tootie Ugly.

Gamplay: With the help of Bottles the mole giving you new moves as you go through the game. Banjo and Kazooie Ran after Grunty And Banjo and Kazooie have to travel through differant worlds. Plus collecting Jiggies to go to new worlds. Later in the game you'll run into Mumbo the Shaman who'll turn you into Different animals.

Graphics: Good but not the best.

Scores: Story: 4.9
Graphics: 6.9
Overall: 8.9

Good game.

Wes AKA Man of Videogames,

Ps. My next review will be about the sequel Banjo Tooie.

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